Next week a brand new series, HUNTING IN EUROPE,
by Frederick B. Philander starts.

What is the story all about?
Through human error the last African tribe is irreversibly faced with extinction. Twenty five years ago, under traditional and customary laws, an albino child is sacrificed. The boy is wrongly killed at birth.

Trapped between heaven and earth for most of his life, the determined albino spirit claims his heredity right to the chieftaincy as the first born of the ailing tribal chief. This brings him into conflict with others who have similar aspirations on earth.’

In his efforts to achieve his goals the spirit is vehemently opposed by the chief”s second senior wife who is determined to put her own son on the Zongolo throne. In retaliation the spirit sows havoc among the peaceful tribe with devastating effect…

As a friendly warning the tribe’s winter wheat crop is mysteriously destroyed by fire and lightning, an event that is superstitiously discarded as an angry deed of Mother Nature. The spirit’s demand is clear; the ageing chief and his senior wife must produce a replacement albino to rule the tribe on his behalf. One night the spirit strikes out in vengeance at the tribe’s most respected social structure, the royal chamber.

Caught in the act of love-making, chief Zagarias Wanga the Third and his senior wife, Zomadlozi, narrowly escape the wrath of the spirit with their lives, but the chamber is totally destroyed by fire. Because of conflicting traditional and religious beliefs, the tribe is heavily divided by the curse of the mysterious fires, either as witchcraft or punishment by God.

In a desperate effort the local witch doctor, who opens another can of worms, is involuntarily consulted for the first time. Anxiety, over-eagerness, ignorance and misinterpretations lead to pragmatic action, but to no avail. Before it’s too late, the tribal ancestors are forced to interfere. They advise in favour of the spirit…

Under threats of losing some important bodily parts and banishment for life from the tribe, the two eldest sons of the chief are commanded to go on a royal tribal mission to Dark England to bring back an ancestral, identified eighth wife for the ageing chief to solve the problem. Guided by fear and pestered by misfortune the two Africans by the Grace of God and the Church of England succeed in their mission and return home with their find…