
Kunene residents want more boreholes

Home National Kunene residents want more boreholes
Kunene residents want more boreholes

The residents of  Epupa, Otuani and  Sesfontein have called on the agriculture ministry to drill more boreholes in the region because the existing water points are not sufficient for both animal and human consumption.

However, the water and rural supply directorate in the Kunene region said the terrain to access all communities in need of water services, among other challenges in the region, deters the institution from achieving its goals and meeting the community’s demands.

This came to light when senior rural water and sanitation officer Keith Mburura presented the challenges to the community members, who complained that there are no sufficient boreholes and water points in the region.

The residents, who attended community meetings organised through the office of the governor, said the government needs to increase the number of boreholes and also rehabilitate the existing broken ones.

Some of the challenges presented to the Opuwo Rural constituency in Otuani, Sesfontein and the Epupa constituency in Okanguati indicated that the community dispute over water point use and ownership is also a contributing factor to why the region is not having enough boreholes.

Other challenges listed by the senior water and rural officer in response to the demand and complaints are wildlife damage to infrastructure, prolonged drought in the region and the high cost of water points development by contractors.

Other challenges include the lack of transport/ageing fleet, low budget allocation not sufficient to attend to communities and slow response of contractors after award due to capacity.

“Lack of coordination by stakeholders (installation and change of technologies without consultation), poor attendance of meetings, inclusion of community water point in wildlife core areas, as well as solar panels and pumps theft are most pressing issues we are seated with,” he explained. 

However, the officials also
noted achievements made during this year’s financial year, compared to the previous one, saying three boreholes were drilled during
the 2021/22 financial year and the same number was also
drilled during 2022/23, which totalled the boreholes drilled to

He said  the  drilled boreholes at Oungungo, Otjivize  Okakondorokua, Okauapehuri dry and Otjandaue in the Epupa constituency were dry, while the one drilled at Okakondorokua
was successful. 

The official indicated that all water requests and conflicts reported in Epupa were resolved 100%. 

At Sesfontein, only two boreholes were drilled at Marienhohe and Okovasiona during the period under review. 

– ljason@nepc.com.na