Learners get jerseys from Angolan airline

Home Front Page News Learners get jerseys from Angolan airline

Staff reporter

WINDHOEK – About 70 learners from Otjomuise Primary School recently received jerseys, beenies and gloves to keep the cold at bay.

The donation was a welcome relief for learners to keep warm as some come to school without a jersey and endure the cold.

The N$7 800 worth of donation is from TAAG Angola Airlines and is meant to help needy learners.
Acting school principal Delfina Shangombe said most of their learners lives in shacks and not everyone in a shack is privileged. She stated there are some learners who come from shacks and there is food to eat at home, but there are those who have unemployed parents and there is nothing to eat.

Shangombe said most of the learners come from such homes and only get meals at school.
“You should see how they (learners) walk to school on the coldest days, they way they hold themselves (because they are getting cold),” she said, adding the jerseys came on time as the temperatures have dipped. Shangombe explained the life skills teachers identified the learners through their class teachers. She said teachers already know which learner is struggling and needs clothes and food and this gives the teachers an idea of what is happening at home.

TAAG Acting Country Manager Marselina Tavarich said they were in communication with the Ministry of Education and asked them to identify a school, they were then presented with three schools from which they chose Otjomuise Primary School. Tavarich said this is the first donation and it is something they will be looking into.
“We as a company need to be part of the change in the country, so this is the start,” remarked Tavarich.