
Let’s ‘Exploit’ Alexander’s Knowledge to Our Benefit

Home Archived Let’s ‘Exploit’ Alexander’s Knowledge to Our Benefit

Dear Editor

The Kobi Alexander Enterprises advertisement, which appeared in your newspaper, refers.

First of all, I want to thank Alexander for having invested in our country. The project to provide housing to the low-income residents of Kuisebmond that he has embarked upon is very much welcome.

Namibia has seen many investors coming into the country, pretending to invest, but nothing happens. For the past five years, we have witnessed many investors come with big projects only to read the fine print and realise that they actually needed Government guarantees for their projects. Alexander has invested more than N$35 million without asking for a guarantee.

The advertisement further states that Alexander is a founder of Comverse Technology, a company that, among others, developed voice-mail and text messaging. Obviously, this man has a lot of business and technological experience, which Namibia can benefit from. We have an excellent opportunity in Alexander to “exploit” him of his knowledge and expertise to the benefit of Namibia.

Moreover, Kobi Alexander Enterprises is stating that they are looking for partnerships with Namibian entrepreneurs. Why doesn’t the Polytechnic of Namibia or the University of Namibia take up the services of this man or we might just lose him to another country?

Joshua Seibeb