John Muyamba
Rundu – The chancellor of the University of Namibia (Unam) and Namibia’s vice-president, Nangolo Mbumba, has bid farewell to Professor Lazarus Hangula with a standing ovation at his last graduation ceremony as Unam vice-chancellor. Mbumba described Hangula’s tenure as 14 years of dedication and outstanding service.
Mbumba made the remarks at Unam Rundu Campus where 432 graduates received diplomas, degrees and a PhD. Hangula delivered his last welcoming remarks as Unam vice-chancellor.
Mbumba credited Hangula for growing the university, saying during his watch “the former Rundu College of Education grew from a mere 354 students in 2011 to 2,319 students in 2018. The quality of courses improved from a diploma to a four-year university degree now up to a respected and feared PhD level, while massive infrastructure development was completed,” said Mbumba.
Mbumba applauded Hangula for his immense contribution towards the development of Unam and equally to the development of the Republic of Namibia.
“Professor Lazarus Hangula is an illustrious son of our land, he is humble but don’t be fooled. He is a brave and strong man. Since this will be his last graduation ceremony he will be attending as vice-chancellor I kindly ask that we rise and give him a befitting standing ovation,” Mbumba noted.
Mbumba reminded Hangula that retirement is not the same as resignation, and thus Unam expects him to keep in touch while Unam promises to be close in touch with him.
Mbumba further congratulated all graduates for their achievements. “All the sweat, headaches and all the coffee you drank to remain awake are things of the past, congratulations,” he said.
“The internal peace or patience is what we are beholding this morning in this graduation ceremony, where the recipients after having toiled for many years are receiving public validation that they have indeed qualified.
You qualified procedurally, you qualified legally but above all you qualify academically to be henceforth known as graduates and pos-graduates eligible of the honour to take up a career of your choice,” Mbumba added.
This year Unam has more than 25,000 students in a variety of advanced learning programmes.