
Navigating tough university challenges

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Navigating tough university challenges

ONGWEDIVA – For most high school learners, university life is an exciting and transformative journey, filled with new opportunities and experiences. 

However, upon entering university gates, most new and senior students realise it is a life full of hurdles. 

This reality could be deduced from a recent interview with University of Namibia’s Oshakati campus departmental representative for the School of Nursing and student representative for academic affairs, Paulus Angombe. 

According to Angombe, the majority students struggle with academic pressures, personal issues and the weight of expectations.

“It is crucial to understand that when students come to university, they face challenges and it is part of the journey. These challenges may include academic stress, financial difficulties, homesickness or personal setbacks. It is important to remind our students that these setbacks are temporary obstacles that can strengthen the end results,” said Angombe.

He has also realised that more attention need to be paid to orphaned students as they have an additional burden to carry.

“The absence of parental support can be incredibly challenging and that is why we motivate our fellow students to keep resilience as their greatest asset,” Angombe continued. 

With the advent of modern resources, universities have various support services to help students during difficult times, whether it is academic-related, counselling or financial aid.

“Students should understand that the university is a community that is here to support their successes.  We do not want them to face challenges alone. As a student representative committee that cares about their students, we last week held an ‘empowerment and encouraging event for him and her’ to reach their optimal potential at university,” Angombe stated emphatically.

He then urged students to reach out to support networks available at universities and never hesitate asking for help when needed. 

Students must always remember that they have the power to shape their future, Angombe stressed.

“University life can be a roller coaster of experiences, but challenges are not the end of their journey. There are opportunities for growth, resilience and self-discovery. Students should keep in mind that they are not defined by their circumstances, but by their unwavering spirit and potential for greatness,” said Angombe.