
Ndapanda’s travel – Fashion while travelling

Ndapanda’s travel – Fashion while travelling

Here is a thing I learned only about a year into my journey as a content creator. 

Finally referring to myself as a creative – I am somewhat fashionable. 

Adding the word ‘somewhat’ may appear to be an attempt at humility in this case, but it is a safety net I almost always set for myself. 

I do that a lot. 

Even when I know undoubtedly that I am good at something, I always leave that room to not appear too confident. 

That is probably something I need to work on.

So, to start over.

 About a year into my journey as a content creator, I realised that I am quite fashionable. 

I would, on occasion, post a random picture of whatever it is I wore on a regular day to either my Instagram or WhatsApp stories, and the reception always took me aback. 

People appeared to not only like the clothes I chose to wear, but also how I styled some pieces – yes styled!

I know where you are probably going in your head with this, but please hear me out.

Is there a disconnect between people who do not care how they look on vacation and are more focused on living in the moment, and those who choose to, when on vacation, glam up?

I have seen this debate many a time on Twitter (I am sorry Elon, but I will never refer to that app as X), and I think I finally want to address it.

The belief is that people who choose to colour-coordinate, dress or glam up are not as focused on living in the moment and fully experiencing their travels, as those who do so minimally. 

This article is here to disagree with the below points.

Firstly, fashion is an art form that many people often use to express themselves. 

Through fashion, we can make out who people are, their interests, their personalities and even their moods. 

That is so beautiful to me.

My second point echoes something I emphasise here quite a bit. 

Travel, whether domestic or international, can be expensive. 

Most of us often have to save up for months, if not years, for our vacation dreams to come true. 

If dressing up makes that experience all that much more special, I do not think it takes away from the overall experience. You just experience that very same thing when dressed or dolled up.

Lastly, digital memories. 

We are in denial about it – but we are in the digital era, guys. 

We take still and video footage of everything. We take pictures when we get coffee, while we cook pap, and we film what we get up to on a regular day, so why would we not do that when we travel? We are fortunate enough to be able to digitise our memories. They do not have to just live in our minds – and that is such a blessing.

So, if you are like me, and have no issue adding a little extra glam to your vacation, the pictures you show your children in the future are popping. Then do it! You are allowed to be exactly who you are.

As usual, for any travel tips, advice or consultation, do not hesitate to reach out to me on

Email: ndapandahaininga@gmail.com

Instagram: __ndapanda

TikTok: ndapandaH