Ndeitunga orders probe into traffic bribery

Home Front Page News Ndeitunga orders probe into traffic bribery


The police are investigating an allegation of bribery against one of their traffic cops after a tourist couple reported they were asked to pay a spot fine of N$1 500 for allegedly driving over the speed limit. The incident is said to have happened on August 9 about 40km outside of Tsumeb. The officer, who has not yet been identified, allegedly stopped Graig Hughes and ordered him to pay the spot fine, even though he only drove 105km per hour in a 120km per hour speed zone. Chief Inspector Kauna Shikwambi told the media at the weekly crime briefing that Hughes could not give the police the name of the suspect, but he did provide them with the registration number of the vehicle and the place, date and time of the incident.

Namibian Police Inspector-General Sebastian Ndeitunga has ordered a full investigation into the incident, Shikwambi assured the Namibian nation.  According to Shikwambi the police bemoan the unbecoming behaviour of the officer in question. She said: “It is very much saddening and an embarrassment that has the potential to tarnish not only the good image of the police force, but also that of the country at large.”
This unbecoming behaviour cannot be tolerated, Shikwambi stressed and continued: “The police senior management take the allegations seriously and have commenced investigations into the matter, and thus would like to assure the victim as well as the entire nation that the matter will be investigated thoroughly, and the alleged suspect and any other person found to be implicated in the alleged corrupt practice will be dealt with according to the letter and spirit of the law.”
Shikwambi also said that the management of the police would like to commend Hughes for alerting the police about the alleged corrupt practice by a member of the force, and would like to make a general plea to all Namibians and foreigners alike to immediately report any unbecoming behaviour by police officers  “The police senior management would also like to inform and warn the public, and mostly motorists, to refrain from making any direct, or on the spot, payment to any police officer at any place other than a police station. It should be clear that any payment to be made for any admission of a traffic violation should only be made at the nearest police station, or alternatively at a magistrate’s court within the jurisdiction of the area where the offence occurred, and a receipt should be issued,” Shikwambi stated.
She further said that should any member of the public find him or herself in a situation where he/she is requested to make any direct or spot payment to a police officer, he/she must insist on meeting that officer at the police station, as no police officer is allowed under any circumstances to receive direct payment intended to settle a fine.
She also issued a warning to the public about people impersonating police officers and other public office-bearers by threatening them (the public) with imminent arrest if they do not make a payment via electronic fund transfers or E-wallet.
Shikwambi provided the cellphone numbers these culprits make use of. They are 0817014259, 0812952622, 0818324437, 0813218624, 081 2683111, 0816190046, 0817798634, 0816324492 and 0812622263.
Shikwambi asked people that have been contacted by any people using any of the numbers to contact Detective Chief Inspector Erastus Likuyu on 0816818100 or 0812464757. She warned the public not to try to bribe a police officer as this is an offence and punishable by law.