
New Era Not Suing ‘Namibia Today’

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Following a story published in the Namibia Today newspaper, the Chief Executive Officer of New Era Publications Corporation, Sylvester Black, has issued the following statement: On the front page of “Namibia Today” of Friday 25 August 2006, as well as in the editorial comment “Zoom In” by Asser Ntinda, it is alleged that New Era has sued Namibia Today. The impression is created that legal action has been taken against “Namibia Today” by New Era in respect of a tribally inciting letter published in the New Era. The abovementioned allegation and impression that Mr Asser Ntinda wants to put across is a deliberate attempt to hide the truth. The truth is very simple and is as follows: – New Era apologized to the public and all stakeholders for allowing the publication of the letter. – New Era suspended the person who allowed publication of the letter and a Disciplinary Hearing will be held soon. – Despite the Chief Executive Officer of New Era being ultimately accountable, he is not normally involved in the editorial process, which is attended to by the Editor and his deputies. As a result, the New Era Chief Executive Officer did not know about the tribally inciting letter until it appeared in the newspaper on 7 July 2006. Despite these facts, Mr. Asser Ntinda in his editorial comments of 21 July 2006 told his readers that “New Era’s Editorial team did not want the letter to be published”, but that the CEO “insisted and ordered that the letter be published”. – The unsubstantiated and unfair attack on the person of the Chief Executive Officer of New Era, together with other damages to his character, are the reasons why Mr Ntinda (in his personal capacity and not Namibia Today) is being sued by the Chief Executive Officer of New Era. This being a personal matter, New Era will not be footing the legal fees for the action, the same is expected – that Namibia Today should not be expected to pay for reckless action by its Editor.