Omuthiya resorts to food-for-work

Home National Omuthiya resorts to food-for-work

Obrein Simasiku

Omuthiya-With the prevailing economic climate some councillors through regional offices have decided to use the food-for-work initiative as a possible solution.

In Oshikoto Region some councillors have been giving food to community members to continue to implement projects in their areas, such as the digging of water pipelines and the clearing of roads.

Councillor of Oniipa Jerry Gwena said such initiatives have made it possible for most of his people to have access to potable tap water. He said the initiative was taken when there were limited funds, hence it was a mitigation factor.

“The water pipeline from Oniimbwale-Oshilulu-Onawe has been completed, as well as the pipeline connecting Ondungilo-Ohainete is done and [we’re] only waiting for the directorate of rural and water supply to open the tap. So far N$90,000 has been used in this regard,” said Gwena, adding that he was working around the clock to bring services to the people.

Gwena further stated that Oikango village is one of the areas that still suffers from the water shortage crisis. He gave assurances that he would work with the councillor of Onayeena Constituency.

“The problem is only money, but human resources we do have. We will continue trying our best and we shall deal with these social issues in the end. In fact, I am not sleeping as a leader and I will remain vigilant to see and hear the problems affecting the people in my area,” Gwena said.

Apart for progress made in the provision of water, the food-for-work initiative led to the construction of a gravel road between Onandjokwe and Oshigambot to Oneputa Combined School, which was previously inaccessible due to the rough terrain.

In other developmental projects, he said a network telecommunications tower will be erected at Oshitutuma, a central point with the aim of covering the whole constituency with network connection.

In addition, Gwena, said areas such as Ombomboli, Pukurukeni, Onanyati and Onakamwandi Okalombo will be electrified, a project that is envisaged to be completed by next year.