Opinion – Dealing with a narcissistic stakeholder

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Opinion – Dealing with a narcissistic stakeholder

Morna Ikosa

As I draw to the end of the three-part series on a narcissistic stakeholder, it is important to highlight the positive characteristics of a narcissist, and how people can learn to leverage on their strengths. 

This article also seeks to bring to light the importance of having industrial psychologist in an organisation, to assist in dealing with personalities akin to narcissistic personality disorders (NPD). I however would like to clarify that a narcissistic stakeholder is not just someone you counter at work. A narcissistic stakeholder can be anyone. It can be a parent, lover, child and pastor. All these people have strengths that can be beneficial to any area they serve or work.

Narcissists are assertive and can lead and make tough decisions. They are intelligent and are not afraid to take risks. They are excellent orators who do not wear their emotions on their sleeves. Challenges fuel them, instead of weighing them down. They do not feel guilty when people reject their initiatives, instead they look at the bigger picture, and try to find people who will support their vision. They are self-motivated, driven, and focused. They do not allow themselves to be easily intimidated. Their charisma allows them to win over people and give them access to spaces and rooms that many can only dream of.

All the above characteristics enable them to thrive as leaders. Their tendency for self-advocacy and self-preservation, can teach those who often put themselves last, to stand up for themselves.

Narcissist are also good at networking, and “working” a room due to their grandiose personalities, a skill many can learn from, especially those who work in environments were networking is essential to their professions.

They have confidence in their abilities, which gives them the tenacity to rigorously attain their goals, even at the expense of others. They are also good at selling themselves, a skill that accelerate their professional and personal growth, which many can emulate.

However, it is still imperative to note that these stakeholders, especially those with NPD, are quite destructive and they need assistance. This is where the role of industrial organisational (IO) psychologist come in.

The American Psychological Association defines IO psychology as “the scientific study of human behaviour in the workplace”. It focuses on assessing individual, group and organisational dynamics and using that research to identify solutions to problems that improve the well-being and performance of an organisation and its employees.  Since the importance of mental health is gaining momentum, organisations need to employ more IO psychologists to enhance productivity and efficiency in the workplace, churches and other establishments. Families need to go for counselling, especially those of African descent, as there are personalities disorders that cannot be ignored or prayed away. 

In conclusion, there are many other personality disorders that affect many people. It is important that institutions through their wellness programmes or departments, seriously start to take these conditions in consideration, as a lack of effective management can adversely affect an institutions culture, strategy, values and efficiency. It is also worth noting that stakeholder identifying, classifying, and mapping in projects and institutions needs to factor in people who are dealing with certain disorders.


*Morna Ikosa is a corporate communications and brand reputation strategist, passionate at sustainable development. To connect, send her a shout-out at micommunicationscc@gmail.com or find her on LinkedIn.