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Namiseb reappointed as NC secretary

2024-05-08  Correspondent

Namiseb reappointed as NC secretary

Rafael Hangula


National Council chairperson Lukas Sinimbo Muha has reappointed Advocate Tousy Namiseb as the Secretary to the National Council, effective from 1 May 2024. 

Namiseb’s term will run until 30 April 2029. 

Muha announced the reappointment during a staff meeting that took place last Tuesday. 

Namiseb has been a part of the National Council since 2 May 2019. 

His initial appointment was necessitated by the deployment of the former secretary, Emilia Mkusa, as Namibia’s ambassador to Ethiopia. The chairperson said his contributions to the National Council have been significant, as he has played a crucial role in supporting Members of Parliament (MPs) in fulfilling the constitutional mandate of the National Council. He has guided staff members, contributed to the development and implementation of the National Council strategic plan 2023/24 - 2027/28, and played a key role in the Namibian E-Parliament Strategy. 

“Furthermore, he has been involved in the realignment of National Council standing committees, the revision of standing rules and orders, the facilitation of cooperation agreements with sister parliaments, and the overall business process reengineering,” said Muha. He also expressed full confidence in Namiseb, highlighting his strong team player character and ability to provide valuable advice on work-related matters. 

“I believe that these qualities will contribute to the future development and service delivery of the National Council,” he stated. 

Throughout his career, he has held leadership roles in the Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary, and now in the Namibian Parliament. 

He has also contributed to academia and civic society, showcasing his diverse skillset in corporate governance, leadership, research, mediation and budget formulation. 

*Rafael Hangula works for the Division: Research and Information Services at the National Council. 

2024-05-08  Correspondent

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