
President leaves for Europe

Home International President leaves for Europe
President leaves for Europe

President Hage Geingob yesterday left for Europe where he will attend two summits in France and Belgium.

At the invitation of the French president Emmanuel Macron, Geingob will participate in the first edition of the One Ocean Summit, alongside 20 heads of state and government, in Brest, France scheduled for today.

The summit aims to mobilise the international community to take tangible action towards preserving and supporting a healthy and sustainable ocean. 

“As a country with a coastline that stretches over 1 572 kilometres and one that depends heavily on the blue economy and marine resources, Namibia has an obligation to act and protect the ocean and ensure sustainability for current and future generations,” read a statement to announce the trip, from the Presidency. 

According to State House, Namibia has made significant progress in putting up efforts to raise awareness on the importance of sustainable development of the blue economy and is in her last stage of developing a Sustainable Blue Economy Policy. 

“The objectives of the policy are to effectively protect, maintain and restore the diversity, productivity, resilience and intrinsic value of Namibia’s marine and aquatic ecosystems,” said State House. 

President Geingob, who is since 2018 a member of the Oceans Panel convened by Norway, will deliver a statement outlining Namibia’s vision of Global Governance of the Oceans, alongside Macron and the president of the council of the European Union, Charles

The president will then proceed to Brussels, Belgium to participate in the sixth African Union –European Union (AU–EU) Summit from 17 to 18 February 2022. 

The summit presents an opportunity for a renewed and deeper AU-EU partnership as African and European leaders meet to determine joint priorities and better coordination for their common future.