
Rough cut film impresses

Home Archived Rough cut film impresses

By Frederick Philander WINDHOEK Though still a rough director’s cut, the Namibian film Where Others Wavered was well received by a selected handful of Namibian stakeholders on Saturday evening. Among those present at the special screening were Prime Minister Nahas Angula in his capacity as chairperson of the Political Committee responsible for the politica in the movie, the Speaker of the National Assembly Theo-Ben Gurirab, a few MPs, representatives of the Namibian Film Commission, some of the main Namibian actors, the American director, the film editor and crew members. “I am very much impressed and excited with what I saw of the film, now in the final post-production phase before it is hopefully released in September. The quality is of a very high standard, contrary to sceptic beliefs,” said a pleased executive producer, Uazuva Kaumbi in an exclusive interview with New Era yesterday. According to him, the soundtrack and other technical cuts will be done to bring the film in line with international feature film standards. “The rough cut is about two hours and forty minutes long but the ideal length would be ninety minutes in duration. It was all worthwhile despite all the insults, mudslinging and bickering I personally had to endure during the making of this film. I will do it all over again for the sake of developing the local film industry,” said Kaumbi, one of a few people involved in the movie. In his view the film depicts a true reflection of a part of the Namibian struggle. “There are many other historic sagas that need to be made into movies to complete the jigsaw puzzle of the country’s history. This was just the beginning and what a beginning. Even the sceptics will like and appreciate Where Others Wavered,” Kaumbi said. NANSO General Secretary Neville Andre, who also attended the screening at a cinema at Maerua Park, was also full of praise for the film. “This film will definitely promote and inculcate nationalism especially among the Namibian youth. It will give the youth a better understanding and deeper insight into the liberation struggle of the country. There is a strong element of reconciliation and Pan-Africanism in the film. It is important that all Namibian youth should see the movie when it is released,” was Andre’s comment. Chrisjan Appolus, one of the main Namibian actors in the film, was quite excited about the director’s cut he saw on Saturday evening. “Technically the film will obviously be shortened, but the original can serve an important purpose for research purposes. I am very happy that almost 90 percent of my own role was allowed through in the rough cut. Obviously that may not be so in the finished product,” young Chrisjan said of the film. PACON’s chairperson, Johannes Tjitjo’s comment was that it was a powerful and beautiful film that will stand its own in the company of any other international movie. “Quality wise I see the film as a milestone achievement for the local as well as the African film industry. I think Charles Burnett and all other stakeholders have done a tremendously good job to put Namibian filmmaking on the map, especially taking into account the amount of money invested in it. The audience was pleasantly surprised and impressed with what they saw. So will most Namibians be when they see the final cut,” Tjitjo said.