Savannah Afros are Acoustic Friday feature tonight

Home Time Out Savannah Afros are Acoustic Friday feature tonight



The Franco Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) is hosting Acoustic Friday featuring Afro fusion jazz band, the Savannah Afros, tonight Friday at FNCC’s Terrace.

The band comprising of songwriters, performing artists and social activists is based in Windhoek. They have developed a keen interest in local cross-cultural exchange programmes and partnerships, performing with established musicians and artists. Over the past years they have collaborated with various artists with whom they recorded and performed internationally. With the sounds of drums, mbira, keyboard and guitar, they create fun fusion of Afro jazz, soul, pop and traditional music to keep audience dancing all night to their Zimbo groove.

They recently launched their debut album Cheivhu, which means “from the soil”, a compilation of all their old and new tunes conveying their different life experiences ranging from love, to personal journeys, relationships and triumphs.Tickets are N$80 in advance at the FNCC and N$100 at the door.

Caption: Stunt Tee, Nyasha ‎and Tapz  Munya  of the Savanna Afros Band who entertain  the audience at the Acoustic Friday tonight at Franco-Namibian Cutlural Centre (FNCC)’s Terrace.

Pic: Savannah Afros