Scana opens Namibian subsidiary 

Home Business Scana opens Namibian subsidiary 
Scana opens Namibian subsidiary 

Online publications report that Norwegian company Scana has expanded internationally through the establishment of a Namibian subsidiary. This is as Namibia continues to cement itself as an exploration hotspot after recent deepwater oil discoveries.

“Scana-owned PSW Technology is following key customers, including Odfjell Drilling and Northern Ocean internationally, and has established a strategically-important subsidiary in Namibia. Recent deepwater oil discoveries off the Namibian coast, coupled with ambitious drilling plans from international operators, are positioning Namibia as an exploration hotspot,” reports OE Digital, an engineering website. 

The site noted that PSW Technology`s establishment is driven by expected deliveries of riser maintenance and the potential of providing other services from PSW Technology’s portfolio, including capping stack services.

“This strategic establishment is important for meeting our customers’ demand to deliver our high-quality services worldwide, especially offshore Namibia. This is based upon the forecasted high activity here”, said Richard Cornell, managing director of PSW Technology.

Meanwhile, in related news, Chevron has confirmed it has chosen a drilling rig for what will be a high-profile exploration well in the Orange basin. On 27 June, Northern Ocean said an unnamed major had fixed the Deepsea Bollsta semi-submersible for an exploration operation in the prolific frontier basin, likely starting in the fourth quarter of 2024.