
Standard Bank: Is This Daylight Robbery or What?

Home Archived Standard Bank: Is This Daylight Robbery or What?

Dear Namibians: – Please listen to my advice: Please do NOT request clients of yours ever to transfer money from South Africa to Namibia by Standard Bank. Let a summary of the ‘service’ speak for itself. Please note: Principal Amount: Amount to be paid to us = N$ 540.00 Bank charges to be paid by client is RSA = RAND 190.00 Total Amount Paid: RAND 730.00 According to our Bank Statement, we had to pay an additional N$40.00, for Standard Bank Windhoek, and Bank Windhoek charged us an additional charge of N$40.00. For both amounts I have full understanding. Conclusion: The transfer of RAND 540.00 cost the client RAND 190 and us N$80.00 = N$ 270.00, exactly 50%. At the same time we had a transfer from South Africa of about the same amount, done by ABSA. That cost only a total of N$40.00. Best Regards, Okarusuvo GÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚¤stehaus (NTB Reg. No. GHO 00010) Erda und Rainer Iben Tel. & Fax +264 61 232252. P.O.Box 96337 Windhoek, Namibia riben@mweb.com.na www.natron.net/tour/okarusuvo