
Swanu pays tribute to nation’s heroes

Home Archived Swanu pays tribute to nation’s heroes

… Hails statue of Dr Nujoma


WINDHOEK – Swanu president Usutuaije Maamberua has called on government to budget for the erection of statues and monuments in remembrance of the 1904 genocide in which the Hereros and Nama people perished. Maamberua made the remarks at a press conference to pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives at Omugulugwombashe in 1966, the first battle between the South African colonial armed forces and Namibian freedom fighters.

Swanu says it recognises the importance of national days such as Heroes Day to be used to teach history correctly and be used as platforms to foster unity and nation building, instead of for launching political constitutions and showing party colours, which makes it uncomfortable for others.

National events, he said, should show national character and dimensions. ‘‘We honestly and courageously must do away with political partisanship and allow history to be presented by national leaders drawn from all different political representatives,’’ said Maamberua.

Maamberua welcomed the erection of the Dr Sam Nujoma statue in recognition of his contribution to the liberation struggle, but encouraged political leaders “not to lose sight of the fact that Namibia is one of the countries in the world and the first in Africa that suffered the most devastating genocide, but there is currently nothing in the country that is reflective, concrete and a practical demonstration of that episode.”

He said genocide in the history of the Namibian people for self-determination would only be reflected if the independence national museum currently under construction is renamed Genocide Remembrance Centre as it’s being constructed at a genocide site, Orumbo rua Katjombondi.

Swanu hailed President Pohamba for highlighting the essence and historical context of the liberation struggle as far as land issues is concerned at the Heroes Day commemoration at Omugulugwombashe on Monday.

The party also expressed concern about the slow process of land acquisition as the willing-seller, willing buyer system has “collapsed”. Swanu says it will convene a national land conference to discuss the matter holistically to address the problem.

By Memory Mutenda