Swapo head office burglarised

Home Khomas Swapo head office burglarised

WINDHOEK – The head office of the ruling party, Swapo, was broken into on Friday night between 18h00 and 24h00.

Namibian Police Deputy Commissioner Sylvanus Ngishindimbwa said yesterday that three or more armed burglars held up the two security guards employed at the building before tying them up. He could not say what might have been stolen but the burglars broke into various offices before they left the building.

Secretary General of Swapo Party Nangolo Mbumba could also not say what exactly was stolen, but confirmed that the break-in occurred. He however said that it was confirmed that various records and files were taken, but that it will only be the staff of the various offices that would be able to determine what exactly was taken.

He further said that the guards were not together when the criminals pounced and one was first tied up while the other one who was patrolling the premises was overpowered when he returned from patrol.

While the guards were armed they did not use their firearms. They were found tied up on Saturday morning during the shift change.

No arrests were affected at the time of going to press and the police are requesting anyone with information on the break-in to come forward.

Ngishindimbwa also informed New Era that a murder was reported on Saturday night at Maya Entertainment Bar in Sinagogue Street, Katutura .

He said that a 19-year-old stabbed a 24-year-old male in the neck with a sharp object during an argument at the bar in the Dolam residential area of the vast township.

The deceased Benjamin /Goagoseb died on arrival at the Katutura State Hospital. The suspect was arrested and will appear in court today.

Ngishindimbwa further said that apart from sporadic break-ins and various assaults especially in the informal settlements, no other serious crimes were reported over the weekend.

By Roland Routh