The Omuthiya Vocational Training Centre (VTC)’s first-ever youth expo was officially opened last week by deputy minister of higher education, training and innovation deputy Natalia Goagoses.
Producing paper from mahangu stalks
Abraham Shikongo from Onankali village in the Oshikoto region founded the Onankali Paper Project in 2001 to help sustain his community and develop skills amongst the youth.
Use trade fairs to explain development plans – Mutorwa
Works and Transport minister John Mutorwa called on the Rundu Town Council (RTC) to use public platforms such as trade fairs to exhibit and explain its present and future development plans.
‡Nūkhoen celebrate 46th ‘Gaob Fees’
The emotions and excitement were palpable in the quiet town of Okombahe on Saturday as the ‡Nūkhoen descended on it in eager anticipation of the 46th annual Damara cultural festival, also known as the ‘Gaob Fees’.
SADC bodies pledge to collaborate on research
The Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) has formalised its partnership with the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF) by signing an agreement at the conclusion of the former’s board meeting that was held in Windhoek from 30 to 31 October 2023.
Frederick launches tourism booklet for //Kharas and Northern Cape Province
//Kharas governor Aletha Frederick last week launched the joint tourism booklet for her region and the Northern Cape Province of South Africa under the theme ‘Your travel guide to combine the best of both’.
SOS launches donation box
The SOS Children’s Village in collaboration with the Namibia Airports Company (NAC) launched a donation box initiative in Ondangwa last week.
Theofelus: Namibia values, respects ethos of media freedom
Ending impunity for crimes against journalists should be prioritised, as it lies at the heart of ensuring the full exercise of the right to freedom of expression, facilitating open, free and dynamic exchanges of ideas and information for all people.
Poor communication linked to youth unemployment
Young people in the Omaheke region have expressed concern that the lack of proper communication contributes to youth unemployment.
Women encourage male partners to get circumcised
Christmas Shikongo is a 33-year-old father of three and a community mobilser working to reduce HIV-related deaths in Omuhongo village, northern Namibia.