
Hottest Day in South So Far

Home Archived Hottest Day in South So Far

By Surihe Gaomas WINDHOEK Yesterday could likely be called the hottest day in the South so far, with temperatures reaching to between 41 and 42 degrees Celsius. In view of this, the Windhoek Met-Office yesterday issued a warning of a sweeping heatwave in the South of up to 41 degrees Celsius. Weather predictions are that this figure could even climb up to 42 degrees Celsius due to the prevailing dry and very hot conditions. Forecasts showed that the rise in temperatures was from 38 degrees Celsius as from lunchtime yesterday and was expected to rise to 41 degrees Celsius later the same day in the two towns of Mariental and Keetmanshoop. During an interview with New Era yesterday, weather forecaster at the Windhoek Met-Office, Odilo Kgobetsi, explained that the heatwave in the south is as a result of a “high pressure system that causes descending air to prevail, causing the heat.” “All places and towns south of Mariental will be more dry and very hot, where all the temperatures will remain above 35 degrees Celsius, and it can even go up to 42 degrees Celsius,” added Kgobetsi, saying that the extremely hot conditions are not unusual for the South, as the situation was also the same last year during the same period. Yesterday, people of the South were given an advisory by the Windhoek Met-Office on the heatwave conditions and should take the necessary precautions. Thus, the temperatures swelling up to between 41 and 42 degrees Celsius yesterday (Sunday) could be described by many southerners as the hottest day so far. However, by tomorrow (Tuesday) the southern folk can heave a sigh of relief, as they will be expecting a drop in temperatures and thunder showers to cool them from the unbearable heat. “By tomorrow, there’ll be some cooling of the system 1 or 3 degrees Celsius drop in temperatures standing at around 35 degrees Celsius, which in actual fact still falls within the very hot category,” said Kgobetsi. He noted that just as the central, northern and eastern parts of the country will be expecting pleasant early morning showers and late afternoon thunder showers as from Wednesday this week, the south can also expect thunder showers already from Tuesday night onwards. Kgobetsi said that with a drop in temperatures, more cloud cover and rain, the entire country will be experiencing improved rain showers as from Wednesday, except for the Namib on the west with only a few showers. “More and better showers are expected and the intensity of rain is increasing over the north, central and east parts. So, the chances of rain will improve,” was Kgobetsi’s forecast. This is some good news for all Namibians, especially those in the south who have had to endure the unbearable heatwave for some time now. It transpires that residents in that part of the country have somehow “acclimatized” themselves to the hot weather conditions by drinking their remedial cups of tea, which causes them to sweat and cool down. So for, southerners are encouraged to stick to this cultural practice which they know is the best way to keep themselves cool.