
Okuryangava nurses transferred instead

Home National Okuryangava nurses transferred instead

WINDHOEK – The two nurses implicated in the case of a 24-year old woman who gave birth at the entrance of the Okuryangava Clinic will not be suspended. 

Instead, the Public Service Commission recommended that they be shifted to a different workstation or charged with misconduct, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Ben Nangombe told New Era.  
He said further consultations would take place on what disciplinary measure to institute against the nurses. 

“Even if they are transferred, we will still charge them with misconduct because of the evidence we have,” said Nangombe. 
A video of a woman giving birth at the gate of the Okuryangava Clinic made rounds on social media recently.   
Health Minister, Dr Bernard Haufiku said in parliament last Tuesday that the health ministry conducted preliminary investigations on the incident that occurred on 31 August 2018 and that the two nurses, whose names are known to New Era will be charged with misconduct or negligence. 

Haufiku also said their dismissal is recommended after legal procedures to institute disciplinary measures.
“If I had the power I could dismiss them right away,” Haufiku told parliamentarians.  
It is alleged that two nurses refused to attend to the woman who was in labour and referred her to instead seek medical attention at the hospital where she had been going for antenatal care. 

However, sources who spoke to New Era last week related a different tale and maintained that the two nurses, were being falsely accused. 

It was also alleged that the woman later said that she did not want the matter to go into the public domain and that she sent text messages apologising. 

Meanwhile, there are currently 191 cases of unprofessional conduct against various registered health practitioners being investigated by the Health Professions Council of Namibia (HPCNA). 
The HPCNA consists of the Medical and Dental Council of Namibia, the Nursing Council of Namibia, Social Work and Psychology Council of Namibia, Pharmacy Council of Namibia and the Allied Health Professions Council of Namibia.
The Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the HPCNA, Cornelius Weyulu said that out of the 191 cases, 25 are nursing related.  

Further, statistics from the HPCNA show that 24 cases have been cleared for disciplinary hearing, out of which three are nursing related.

 Commenting on the statistics, Nangombe said, “this shows that the Ministry (of Health) is serious on the issue of negligence by referring those cases to a competent body for action to be taken.” 
Taking action against health professionals also shows that the public’s health is not put at risk, Nangombe added.