
Ongwediva Trade Fair: Watch your wigs, phones

Ongwediva Trade Fair: Watch your wigs, phones

ONGWEDIVA – Oshana police deputy commissioner Frederick Ndjadila has said the safety of people during the Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair remains their chief priority. 

He said they will soon embark on the police operation to prevent crime, especially in Ongwediva, as they foresee a big influx of people to the town and region in general.

Ndjadila indicated that they will operate for 24hours for the duration of the fair.

“We will deal with all the thieves who are coming to Ongwediva to rob people. Police officers will be deployed everywhere, including those with plain uniforms,” he said. 

He added that the police officers will be on the trade fair premises and outside, ensuring law and order. 

“Not everyone in the fair come to socialise; some people come with intentions of robbing people, so be vigilant and be eye-sharp on your wigs, phones, and other valuable items,” he warned.

Ndjadila further stated that all safety measures will be implemented at the trade fair. 

He also urged people to be careful when taking public transport, especially women.

“Nowadays, public transport is not safe. Taxi drivers are also robbing people, any time of the day,” he cautioned. 

Oshana police spokesperson Frieda Shikole advised homeowners when going away for too long to ask trusted neighbours, a relative or close friends to keep a watchful eye on their property.

Alternatively, they should have a trusted, able-bodied person occupy the premises during the time they are away. 

“Also inform our on-duty officers that you will be away; give them the address of your residence for them to patrol around that street,” said Shikole.

“The police will be targeting housebreaking because many people leave their houses unattended during the festive period,” she said. 
