
Oshikoto tops child rape statistics

Home National Oshikoto tops child rape statistics

WINDHOEK – Oshikoto Region recorded the highest number of cases of rape involving minors in 2018, with 39 cases reported. 

Khomas Region came at an unwanted second position with 36 cases, followed by Omusati where 34 similar cases were recorded. 

This is according to the recent statistic presented by Namibian Police Force (Nampol) Inspector-General Sebastian Ndeitunga. In total, police recorded 1 121 cases of rape in 2018. 
Ndeitunga was speaking at the official inauguration of the upgraded offices of the Khomas Gender-Based Violence Protection Unit last week in Windhoek. 

A comparative analysis of the statistics over the previous three years indicate that rape cases involving minors are on the rise with 444 cases reported in 2016, 451 cases reported in 2017 and 500 cases reported last year.

The statistics further indicate that female minors top the list of rape victims with 1 314 cases recorded, while 81 cases of rape were reported in which male minors were victims. 

“From the statistics, it is evident that more concerted efforts need to be made towards combating rape in our country, particularly efforts aimed at fighting the violation of minor children,” said Ndeitunga.
The police chief added that abuse in any form or shape poses a serious threat to the public and needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. 

“Sexual abuse, in particular, appears to be the main cause of distress in Namibian communities,” noted Ndeitunga.