
Strive for food self-reliance – Mareka

Home National Strive for food self-reliance – Mareka
Strive for food self-reliance – Mareka

Faced with rising food and oil prices, Swapo member of parliament Vincent Mareka reminded fellow lawmakers government must minimise its reliance on neighbouring countries to feed the nation.

“As we may all be aware, the pandemic severely affected the transportation of our food imports, particularly goods coming from South Africa. I believe that this is an indication that, as a country, Namibia is quite vulnerable in the aspect of food security if we have to rely on neighbouring countries to feed us,” Mareka said.

Contributing to the budget debate last week, Mareka said this circumstance underlines the importance of self-reliance and the necessity for the government to speed initiatives to enhance the agriculture sector.

“We cannot allow this situation to continue, as it has the potential to disrupt our lives in the future. Our heavy reliance on food imports is counter-productive and needs to be corrected as a matter of urgency,” he said.

As a result, Mareka believes funds should be pumped into the agricultural sector to allow farmers to acquire the essential support for restocking their cattle and assisting crop producers, following the disastrous and long-term drought.

“Let me also draw our attention to the conflict in Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Russia). I understand that, together, these two countries produce more than 70% of the wheat in the world”. 

“As you may be aware, the prices of fuel and wheat will be on the increase due to a shortage of these two essential commodities as a result of the conflict,” he said. 

Coincidentally, he said, the mines ministry announced another fuel increase, effective today, and he is sure parliamentarians have seen that these imminent fuel price increases automatically drive-up food prices.

“Bokomo and Namib Mills have announced an increase in wheat products, such as corn, white and brown wheat flour. I trust that this should be a lesson learned from the realities we are currently facing,” he said.

“Let us now put in place permanent provisions to prevent food insecurities by directing our efforts to the agricultural sector,” he said.

He also called upon the government to revamp the country’s green scheme initiatives, and to duplicate them in the southern regions, especially in the Neckartal Dam area. 

“I would also like to see improved cooperation between Government and the private sector under the public-private partnership to meet government halfway,” he said.