The market is changing

Home Lifestyle The market is changing

Gone are the days when the ordinary Namibian fan was content with your music and nothing else. The ordinary Namibian fan 10 to 15 years ago did not care about your personal life. The ordinary Namibian fan 10 to 15 years ago did not care about your other business interests or religious views. The ordinary Namibian fan would not care less about your political affiliations. The ordinary Namibian fan did not care about your stance on certain societal evils.  

Today, however, this has changed significantly. The ordinary Namibian fan does want to know about your personal life. The ordinary Namibian fan does want to know about your other business interests or religious views. The ordinary Namibian fan does want to know what your political affiliations are. The ordinary Namibian fan wants to know what your stance is on social issues. 

Those days of coming to a radio interview to talk exclusively about your music are gone. The music element is but secondary in today’s times. The ordinary Namibian fan wants to understand who you are as a person. What makes you human? What human experience led you to this musical offering? What’s the story behind the story? Times have changed. People do not identify with robotic and exploitative tendencies anymore. 
Any radio DJ that interviews an artist in this day and age to primarily focus on music is doing a disservice to the listener. Whether you like it or not … that’s where the trend is. That’s the world right now. If you cannot adapt, you will be left behind. 

As an old head … trust me, I hate this shxt! I come from an era where we cared about the music and nothing else. However, the only constant in life is change! You have to move with the times ‘omes. I have spoken so many times about R&D on this platform. R&D is not only for big corporations. R&D should be an integral part of your entertainment business. 

Change your language and mannerism from religiously trying to get people to buy your work and support to take them through a journey of exploring who you are. 

By the time you release … people will automatically jump on your bandwagon because they identify with you as a human. Hence why snapping on social is so important. The market is changing. The market has changed. Change with it! Humanise your brand! 
Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!

NSK is a professional MC. For bookings, email
@naobebsekind (twitter)