Top Score 7-a-Side a success… Oshakati is next

Home Sports Top Score 7-a-Side a success… Oshakati is next


The Top Score 7-a-Side tournament reached a nail-biting end last Saturday, with HC Welding being crowned the 2016 champions following the finals at Ramblers soccer field in Pionierspark.

A record 81 corporate and business teams competed in this year’s social sports event, all battling it out for the honours of being named the illustrious Top Score 7-a-Side champion.

The final, which took place between HC Welding and Lovelocal Swakopmund (Top Score 7-a-Side Coast 2015 winners), saw HC Welding winning by 1-0 to lift the much sought-after title accompanied by N$13 000 in prize monies.

Prizes breakdown:
1. HC Welding: N$13 000
2. Lovelocal Swakopmund:
N$8 000
3. Meatco Windhoek: N$6 500
4. Pro Fit Sports: N$2 500

This year, the team from NEC can thank their fans for their loyal support in securing the crown of Best Supported Team, winning them N$7 000.

“We are thrilled with yet another remarkable tournament where amateur teams not only showcased their skills, but could compete in a friendly and organized competitive environment,” stated Megan Zondagh, marketing manager of Namib Mills.

“We have seen some excellent games, and the support from families and loyal fans truly exemplified our Top Score brand and what this tournament is all about. We want to thank all the teams and loyal supporters for their commitment and making this tournament the success that it is.”