Uncommon sense – A long walk to dystopia

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Uncommon sense – A long walk to dystopia

One who is born in captivity does not know freedom, nor will they know that are in captivity, for that is all that they know. 

Just as a bird born in a cage would not know that its nature is to fly freely into the skies. Such a bird would not even attempt to find an opportunity to flee or take a chance when an opportunity avails itself. At least, for animals, it is a bit understandable if they were to be born in an unnatural environment or simply adapt when removed from their natural one. 

It is more mind-boggling to see the same happening to the most conscious species.

 What may even be more interesting is that it is hard or even impossible to find other species in nature whose atrocities are self-inflicted – but surprisingly, it happens only with humans. It is only among the human species where you would find all sorts of delusions, fantasies and complications. 

Whether it is out of boredom or perhaps a chase for vanity, there would always be humans who bestow themselves with some bourgeoise nature of character. 

For some reason, they would always find themselves to be smarter than the rest, and feel the need to direct the lives of the rest of the species in some peculiar direction.

 As history has demonstrated, especially going back to ancient African ways of living, people always lived and were guided by nature. 

They always knew there was a greater and ultimate consciousness that is driving all life on earth and beyond. With this knowledge, their most important task was to harness their abilities to be able to see, read and follow the signs of nature as guidance in their daily activities.

 Back then, life was easier, and challenges were taken as natural because they lived in the present moment. This is unlike the present way of living, where even after so many discoveries and information, the current generation of the human species is headed to nothing better than self-destructions. This self-destruction is, however, led by the very few self-chosen ones and mostly presented as solutions to the very problems the very same few selected have created.

 The aim and goal of such actions, though presented as meant for the greater good, it is done without consultation of an ordinary citizen of the world, whom it would affect the most. If one also looks closely and into finer details, it will appear as nothing, rather than paving the road to hell with good intentions. For the most part, though the sad truth may be in plain sight, we may simply get along.

 We get along simply because somehow it is our fault but it is also not our fault. 

It is not our fault because we find ourselves in a world that was already designed and lived the same way by generations before us. The blueprint has been shaped for centuries and has just been waiting for its final manifestation. 

It is also our fault because even though the signs are clear of what is completely wrong with the world, for some reason, we choose to conform. We have even relieved ourselves of one natural inquisitiveness that has helped us investigate existential and fundamental aspects of life. So, as it is for the bird born in the cage, for humans born in captivity with selected freedoms, true freedom will always be a myth. One may even take their remaining freedoms for granted until they are all taken away –one stroke of a pen at a time.  

– karlsimbumusic@gmail.com 

Uncommon Sense is published every Friday in the New Era newspaper with contributions from Karlos Naimwhaka